My Updates World

Update 2

Stamps and Buttons Page Updated!

February 28, 2025: 1. i added back my silly mouse. 2, i added stamps and fixed my buttons page. fweh, ive made a lot of updates today.

Update 2

i added me art gallery and BUTTONS

February 28, 2025: So cool. but so annoying. kind of difficult to get all my graphics/art on here, but im working on it. also, i got rid of my silly mouse because it was glotching and stupi.d. also there are buttons now (graphics) but so far they are only available on the sitemap because i havent draw a button, blinkie, or stamp icon for the graphics page. itll happen soon, promise!

Update 2


February 28, 2025: Somehow i just found out today is the end of the month, that feels fucked up, its the 28th! who came up with that? anyway, i added a sitemap that is definitely under construction, its totally wack so i need to make it look pretty. also, this site was designed on mobile (not a phone, a tablet) using chrome so if things look off on PC then... well, now you know why. XOXO

Update 1

Updates Page (This One) Has Been Added!

February 27, 2025: Oh yeah, updates? this is crazy. this is too much. maybe even *silly*. probably shouldve added this sooner so i could put My Profile World and My Movie World... Oh well! much more to come, i'll tell you that much.